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Resah -.-'

To Nurul Farhanah.
u sabar okay? i know whats going on now
but no matter what happen,
i'll be by ur side okay? chill up (:
i'm here for you.
and, here. i lend you my shoulders for you to cry.
thats what are friends for, kan?
i miss u bestie <3

To Syaaaa <3
Bie, kita BFF kan?
walaupon u jauh gilew gilew ngn i skunk,
i sayang u okay budak kecik.
kite kawan smpai mati eh? (:
andd, if ade pape na share. share laa ehh, alaaa. mcm dulu dulu :D
i wont mind okay, i kan kawan u. so, ta kesah la en.
sayanggg u dak kechik, haha. take care.

sorry da lama tak msg or call,
bukan sbb dah lupa kawan or faa
cari bean tyme susah jea.
it just lyke faa dah mls nk layan phone skunk.
faa pown da lame gilew ta topup. and
jgn ngade ngade nk tlg topupkan. bukannye faa
tade duet. just skunk mls nk layan phone and quite busy.
hope u'll understand me :)

To the one who call me Babygirl,
ehh,i mntx maaf if i da berubah skunk.
bukan sbb i dah lupakan u and i'm not avoiding u at all.
i'm just quite busy, quite scared and quite tired.
you know wht is the problem between us kan?
and, i'm not gonna leave u until u leave me first, okay?
frankly talk, i need you. i miss you 'monkey'. i love you too. muahx! <3>

To my Mr B,
maybe u tgk i skunk da berubah kan?
sorry B, i tade niat pon nk bwat u sedeyh or marah.
u pon tawu kan yg i agak busy skunk. jadual harian i ta fixed lagiy laa skunk.
i cuba berubah kpd yg lebih baek oke? dont worry bout me.
i sayang u lgy taw, andd, dont u ever think to play a trick on me okay.
i just nk u care pasal i mcm dulu balek. i nk u yg suka sebuk pasal i mcm dulu.
i nk u yang suka care pasal hidup i mcm duluuuu, boley?
thnx for everything okay? ntiy i da fix kan tyme i, i carik u okayy B?
Imy , Ily <3

ABG ihsan.
wei, thnx ehh sbb bagi advice ko tuuu eh?
aku appreciate sangat sangat.
walaupun advice ko tak brape nk berkesan kat aku, tapi,
aku cuba okay?
HAHA, aku taw la ko geli aku pgil ko abg en? tapi,
ikut suke aku la wey. aku mmg anggap ko abg aku kan?
thnx again sbb slalu membebel kat aku sal lyfe aku.
aku sukaaa, ntyi bwat lagy eh? lastly,
aifaa mntak maaf taw if aifaa ada saketkan hati and ter'serang'
ko harituuu. aku stress sangat kot. sorry ehh? :)
nah aku kasi free, muahhhx~! HAHA.

Aku tak tawu ape kes aku resah gelisah semacam jea,
tapi, yang aku pasti.. aku bosan ngn hidup camni and i need you guys in my lyfe to cheer me up.
i miss you guys. u rock my world. take care.
Toodles :)

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